I swear if I hear any more of this I'll scream!- In a minute mom...I am playing a game! Put the game on pause already
- Honey will you...Sure I can do that and stand on my head at the same time!
- Hold this for me will you? No problem just put it one of the ten grocery bags that I am already holding
- I was gonna, as soon as I..You are gonna get my foot up your ass!
- Mom, can I have some money? For what? You have not done your chores!
- Mom, what did you do with my... Sorry kiddo, I am not responsible for your ear phones.
- How much are the monthly bills? Am I supposed to know that figure at the top of my head?
- Did you pay this bill or that one? Both. Did we not just have this conversation?
- Again? I just took a shower last night! Yes Rainman, we take a shower everyday!
- I'll just squish the trash down..Don't do that, you will break the bag. See I told you.
- Did you call this person or this person? Neither, they are not my calls to return.
- What do you know? According to my eldest son, absolutely nothing!
- When will I know?As soon as I know, Asshat!
- I forgot...I'll do it in a minute. Your minute was over a hour ago, now move it!
- Ms. Rain, if I could have just a minute of your time? One minute leads to an hour, every single time!
I am PMSing, over worked, in pain and all I want to do is take a long bubble bath. Is that really so much to ask? Geez.
N Posted by Rain at 5/19/2006 01:36:00 AM

posted at 12:04 AM
Wonderful, my dear! And I can't agree more! I have linked you over at my place. Drop by and say hi any time.
posted at 11:32 AM
Okay, who are you and how did you get into my house? See, I knew the 'domestic spy program' was everywhere!
FLS sent me here.
Rain posted at 2:02 AM
The Fat Lady Sings~ Oh my goodness, I am a huge fan of yours!
Your writing is excellent! Thank you so much for the link! I don't have many days like this one and I truly did want to scream. Again thank you, I feel so honored!
Alicia~Don't you just hate days like this one? I am so glad to know that I am not alone, thanks for the kind words!
I hope that you both have a safe and happy week! ~Rain

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