Junes Pirate...

Thank you for the image Benita!
On June 7, 1692: Massive earthquake hits Port Royal, Jamaica, between 11:00 a.m. and noon, destroying a favored seaport of pirates. On June 10, 1723: H.M.S Greyhound of 20 guns battles the pirate sloop Fortune of 10 guns, captained by Edward Low and the pirate sloop Ranger, under Captain Harris. Low escapes in the Fortune.

Hands on Home Safety Checklist
Out homes-Our Families-Our safety
What could be more precious? Yet each year, homes are where nearly 21 million family members suffer injuries that could have been prevented.
The Home Safety Council wants your family to be safe from injuries. Take a hands-on approach to injury prevention in your home. Follow the Safety checklist to help your loved ones avoid getting hurt, especially from the three most common causes of home injuries.
Falls Prevention
Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury in the home.* How you can stay safer;
Use bright lights at the top and bottom of stairs and make sure hallways and dark areas in the home are well-lit at night with nightlights.
Install grab bars in the tub, shower and near toilets.
Use a rubber bath mat or non-slip strips in the tub.
Wipe up spills and splashed bathwater promptly.
All stairs and steps need handrails along both sides, secured along the full length of the stairway.
Keep stairs and pathways clear of clutter.
In homes with babies and toddlers, use baby gates at the top and the bottom of stairs.
Fire & Burn Prevention
Fifty-seven percent of fire and burn-related injuries occur in the home* You can protect your family;
- Check the setting of your water heater and make sure it's set no higher than 120 degrees F.
- Install smoke alarms on each level of your home-especially in or near sleeping areas.
- Test each smoke alarm every month by pushing the test button until you hear a loud noise.
- Replace smoke alarm batteries with new ones at least once each year.
- Know how to escape a fire. Find two exits out of every room-the door and possibly a window. Choose an outside meeting place in front of the home. Practice your plan twice a year with all members of the family.
- Stay in the kitchen while food is cooking on the stove.
- Make sure an adult is in the room constantly while a candle is burning.
- Be sure to lock matches and lighters away from children.
Poisoning Prevention
More than two-thirds of homes with young children report that household chemicals (e.g. cleaners, bleach or kerosene) are stored in unlocked places.*Every family can take steps to prevent a poisoning injury.
- Know the national poison control center toll-free number-- 1800-222-1222--and keep the number by ever phone in the home.
- Look around your home-under the sink, in the garage-for cleaning products and automotive fluids that say "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger" on the label. Store these away from food, in locked cabinets out of sight and reach of children.
- Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poison you can't see, smell or taste. CO is produced by fuel-burning appliances and equipment in your home. These need proper maintenance for safe use. Also install a carbon monoxide detector to alert you if the CO level becomes unsafe.
- Install child locks on all cabinets-especially where potentially harmful items are stored.
- Be sure cleaning products and other household substances have child-resistant closures.
- Keep all medicines and vitamins in original containers in a secure area-away from children.
- Store dangerous chemicals such as pesticides, automotive fluids and paint thinner in a secure locked cabinet.
- Always store gasoline in an approved container.
*The State of Home Safety in America tm
Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!
Labels: pirate
N Posted by Rain at 6/01/2007 11:41:00 AM

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Being Thankful

I am thankful for;
- The month of May is over!
- Waking up alive this morning.
- It's good to be back on my doctors good side once more, and I am taking all of my medications.
- My entire family/friends now understand that I will no longer wave my magic wand and fix everything.
- I am standing firm with my decisions concerning Rusty. I will not refinance my home to help with his legal issues.
- My backyard, it is private so I can sunbathe in the nude. I just have to remember to put a little more sunscreen on my mons veneris (mound of Venus). ;0)
- Last week my Luva and I were together four days in a row. Can you say multiple orgasms? Oh yeah baby!
- Rainman is graduating from high school on June 8, 2007! Wahoo!
Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying |
Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you. You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.
You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested. You tend to ground those around you and add stability. |
What are you thankful for?
Labels: Being Thankful
N Posted by Rain at 5/31/2007 08:51:00 AM

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's Hump Day!

My First Time
by Alex
The sky was dark
The moon was high
All alone
Just her and I
Her hair so soft
Her eyes so blue
I knew just what
She wanted to do
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers
Down her spine
I didn't know how
But I tried my best
To place my hand
On her breasts
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread
Her legs apart
And when she did it
I felt no shame
All at once
The white stuff came
At last it's finished
It's all over now...
My first time
Milking a COW!
What were you thinking? ;)
Have a wonderful night everyone!
Labels: Poetry
N Posted by Rain at 5/30/2007 05:07:00 PM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Hello...I am back
This is a fun quiz! Have a great week everyone...
N Posted by Rain at 5/29/2007 11:33:00 AM