The five thousand firefighters working on the fire lines in San Diego County. Also our thoughts and prayers go out to the fifty firefighters that have been injured in the line of duty. Firefighters are my heroes.
The Santa Ana winds have died down and an increase in humidity have allowed the firefighters to gain some control with the fires. This is also sending the smoke and ash the in the opposite direction of my house and making it easier for all of us to breathe.
My father was evacuated (see post below) and was allowed to go back to his home today. There is no damage to any homes in his neighborhood. Thanks to Big Ernie.
Volunteers and the Red Cross. San Diegans have given their time, food, clothing, money and even opened up there houses to strangers that needed to evacuate their own homes. I am amazed at how this city has come together and it makes me proud to call the City of San Diego my hometown.
Every police officer in San Diego County. They are working twelve hour shifts to keep us and our properties safe.
As of today the Harris Fire is 84,000 acres and 20% contained. Cost to date $5.4 million. The Witch Fire is 200,000 acres, and it is now 30% contained, with full containment expected on October 31st and full control on November 5th. Cost to date $7 million. The Rice Fire is still 9,000 acres and now 40% contained, with full containment expected October 28th, and full control November 5th. The Poomacha Fire is 38,500 acres and 30% contained, with full containment expected October 29th. Cost to date $1,619,000. Control line has been tied in to the Witch Fire.
I was watching the news and a local news station were interviewing a couple who had sadly lost their home in Rancho Bernardo. Unfortunately the couple admitted that they did not have insurance on their home and at the time had no plan as to what they were going to do next. Now I want to make it clear that I empathize with them, I understand that insurance can be costly and I will pray for them. However, living in San Diego or the State of California for that matter, means that you make the choice to live where there is a long history of wild fires burning out of control. Insurance is a must, I am just sayin...
Horses stand in a pen as fire threatens the Bonita neighborhood Oct. 23, 2007, in San Diego, Calif. You can help our response to this disaster -- and others in the future -- by making an emergency gift today. (Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images).
****** I have been looking forward to this weekend for a long responsibilities, kids or chores to do. Oh what should I do? Well there is one thing, I have been offered an opportunity to fulfill a sexual fantasy of C’s...I may write about it in a future post however, if you want a hint it is mentioned in the Rockstar video above. ;0)
My favorite local news anchor Larry Himmel, lost his home this morning to one of the fires currently blazing out of control in San Diego. Our hearts and prayers go out to him and his family, as well as any others who have lost their homes in the last three days.
No one in my home got any sleep last night; we were all outside watching the fire that was less than six miles from our house. All of my neighbors were outside keeping a vigil wondering if we where going to get the call to evacuate our homes. Last night I was really frightened and I could not show it because I have to be strong for both Rainman and Joe. The only thing I really wanted last night was a hug from my mom. Sniff.
It is now 2:30 PM our time and I just got a call from my dad; he has been told that he has twenty minutes to evacuate his home.
I am a strong, sexy, intelligent, candid and loving woman who would do anything for her family. I am a mother of two.I have a sarcastic sense of humor,love to read and I am trying to stay positive in a difficult world.This is the place that I will use to perserve my sanity on the path that is called my life.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.It can turn a mealinto a feast, a house into a home,a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.~Melody Beattie