Talk Like A Pirate Day
Sept. 19, 2006
Avast Ye Matey's!
Searchin high and low I be havin' some links fer ye!
A long time ago me lad fell in love wi' a beauty. He be jus' 14 an' she be 12 when they met. They met in a wee port while visitin' a carnavil. Before long they sailed' everywhere wi' each other.`T be love a first site!
Th' young lady came from a destructive homeport. Th' lass' mother be nay 'ere t' be found an' th' father be in jail. So she lived wi' th' lass' elderly grandmother. Each tide be harder than th' last wi' nay treasure an' wee hope.
Soon th' young lady be competely ou' o' control. Stealin', lyin' an' ditchin school, t' much fer th' grandmother t' control. Soon she came in contact wi' th' beauties mother an' sent th' young lass t' th' lass' landlubbin' mother.
'T about broke me lad`s heart when th' young girl be sent away. Six long moons passed without a word from his first love. Then ou' o' th' blue th' young girl showed up, askin' fer permission t' come aboard. She ran away from homeport in Alabama an' came t' me port in California! Seems she stowed away on a landlubbers train, tryin' t' come aft t' th' lass' first love. Permission be granted t' come aboard by th' lads mother, Rain.
Rain noticed that th' young lady be very loaded t' th' gunwhales on rum. She be dirty an' had holes in th' lass' shoes, so she made th' young girl take a bath. Meanwhile th' mother sailed' t' th' galley t' make th' lass' somethin' t' eat.
While th' young beauty be eatin' th' lass' grub, th' mother an' th' lad listened t' th' lass' tale o' woe an' th' lass' adventures. Th' young lady`s tale involved tourture, restrictions an' beatings. A long list o' very strick rules, regulations an' th' holdings swabbieal responsibiltes.This story continued long into th' night. Finally th' mother spake tis time t' sleep an' we would finish th' story in th' mornin'. Th' young wench spake I be havin' one more tale t' tell an' 'tis important. So she asked, what be 't? "Th' young wench spake I may be pregant."
At sun rise th' concerned mother sailed' into port an' traded th' lass' pieces o' eight fer a pregancy test. Returnin' t' th' lass' vessel, she made food in th' galley fer both th' lass an' th' lad. After eatin' th' boy port fer tutorin', learnin' t' read an' write. Then th' pregancy test be gi'en an' 't turned ou' that young girl be indeed pregant.
Unpon th' readin' o' th' test th' mother knew what she had t' do, thar be nay delayin' th' truth. She ordered th' young girl t' call th' lass' mother an' tell th' lass' that she be alstarboard. Rain used th' lights t' warn th' Department o' Social Services an' th' police department.Th' mother knew she wouldna be able t' swab th' decks today. Now 'tis jus' a matter o' time until th' rest o' th' story can be told.
Aye, this story be true. 'tis th' reason fer me delay in postin'. I hope all o' ye be havin' a great tide! I be off t' Child Protective Services.
N Posted by Rain at 9/19/2006 07:13:00 AM

Monday, September 18, 2006
Sexy Pirate Monday

Thank You, Benita!
Thank You , Janie!
This Lovely Painting came from here

Thank You, Bentia!
Unfortunately I am unaware of where some of these images came from. If these are your images please contact me so credit can be given, ARRR!
N Posted by Rain at 9/18/2006 05:19:00 AM