After work yesterday ( I left early), I packed up a handful of teenagers and headed down to the San Diego County Fair in the city of Del Mar.
This years theme, “Ride the Tide to Fun at the 2006 San Diego County Fair” features the world’s most renowned environmentalist, Wyland. The Fair and Wyland first began working together during the 1985 Fair, when he painted Whaling Wall No. 7 on the side of the Gems & Minerals building. A life-sized depiction of California Gray Whales, the wall unfortunately was taken down when the Fairgrounds Grandstand was rebuilt in 1992.
Wyland long ago set a goal to paint 100 life-sized Whaling Walls, depicting various species of whales and other marine life, and has completed 93 of them on four continents. This year, he painted the "new" Whaling Wall No. 7 on the east wall of a new Fairgrounds building, the Expo Center.

While the kids enjoyed the Fun Zone, I had the opportunity to visit the Paul Ecke Jr. Flower & Garden Show that featured gardens that use water (ponds, waterfalls, fountains) or use little water (xeriscape gardens designed for maximum beauty with minimal water). I found some wonderful new resources for planning my own xeriscape backyard garden.
After attempting to find something healthy to eat (not an easy feat) we headed to the Grandstand for Tracy Lawrence in concert.

Tracy Lawrence has built a respected country-music career during the past 15 years, hitting the national spotlight at the age of 23, the product of a rough-and-tumble childhood in Foreman, Arkansas. He was playing at music jamborees at 15 and in honky-tonks at 17, learning, he says, "what it takes to keep them on the dance floor through four or five sets."A live appearance on a Kentucky radio station and a showcase at Nashville's famed Bluebird Café led to his 1991 signing to Atlantic Records. His hits include "Can't Break It To My Heart," "My Second Home," "If The Good Die Young," "If The World Had A Front Porch," "Texas Tornado," "Time Marches On," and "Better Man, Better Off."
After the concert we had just enough time for the kids to indulge in junk food heaven. I was so tempted by the cream puffs, frozen bananas and caramel apples. I am happy to say I stayed strong and did not give in to temptation! =0}
After everyone purchased what they wanted we continued to our next destination to see Foghat in concert.

In the late ‘60s, musicians that would later form Foghat first toured the United States as members of the seminal British band “Savoy Brown.” That musical core, combined with some key additions, began a quest on the cutting edge of the emerging British blues-rock music scene that began to influence countless musicians, American and British alike. In 1971, Foghat was formed to give the band a more rock ‘n’ roll flavor to the blues-boogie music they were already playing. After being signed to Bearsville Records in 1971, the band began touring relentlessly for the next 14 years. Their talent was rewarded with seven Gold records, one platinum album, “Fool For The City,” and one double platinum album, “Foghat Live.”
Needless to say we had a great time, and I am glad that I have today off so I can recover. Have a great evening everyone!
N Posted by Rain at 6/22/2006 02:55:00 PM

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
First Licensed Woman Glider Pilot

Anne Morrow Lindberg
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the widow of aviator and conservationist Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., was a noted writer and aviation pioneer.
Born June 22, 1906 in Englewood, New Jersey, Anne Morrow Lindbergh was the daughter of businessman, ambassador, and U.S. Senator Dwight Morrow and poet and women's education advocate Elizabeth Cutter Morrow. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Smith College in 1928, and married Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., on May 27, 1929.
Six children were born to the Lindberghs -- Charles A., III (deceased, 1932), Jon, Land, Anne (deceased, 1993), Scott and Reeve.

Much time during the early years of the Lindberghs' marriage was spent flying. Anne served as her husband's co-pilot, navigator and radio operator on history-making explorations, charting potential air routes for commercial airlines. They made air surveys across the continent and in the Caribbean to pioneer Pan American's air mail service. In 1931, they journeyed, in a single-engine airplane, over uncharted routes from Canada and Alaska to Japan and China, which she chronicled in her first book, North to the Orient. They then completed, in the same single-engine Lockheed "Sirius," a five-and-one-half-month, 30,000-mile survey of North and South Atlantic air routes in 1933 (the subject of Anne Lindbergh's book, Listen! the Wind). Charles characterized this expedition as more difficult and hazardous than his epic New York-to-Pariflight in 1927 in the "Spirit of St. Louis."

The National Geographic Society awarded its Hubbard Gold Medal to Anne Lindbergh in 1934 for her accomplishments in 40,000 miles of exploratory flying over five continents with her husband. A year earlier, she had been honored with the Cross of Honor of the U.S. Flag Association for her part in the survey of transatlantic air routes. In 1993, Women in Aerospace presented her with a special Aerospace Explorer Award in recognition of her achievements and contributions to the aerospace field.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh was also the first licensed woman glider pilot in the United States.

In addition to North to the Orient and Listen! the Wind, Anne Lindbergh is the author of 11 other published books. They include Earth Shine, in which she wrote of being at Cape Kennedy for the first moon-orbiting flight and how that Apollo 8 flight and the pictures it sent back of Earth gave humankind "a new sense of Earth's richness and beauty;" The Steep Ascent, a novel that tells the story of a perilous flight made by a husband and wife; the inspirational and widely read Gift from the Sea, perhaps her best-known work; and five volumes of diaries and letters from the years 1922-1944.
Smith College, Amherst College, the University of Rochester and Gustavus Adolphus College have all presented honorary degrees to Mrs. Lindbergh. In addition, she has also been inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame, the National Women's Hall of Fame, and the Aviation Hall of Fame of New Jersey. She is also a recipient of the Christopher Award for the fifth volume of her diaries, War Within and Without.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh died February 7, 2001 at her second home in Vermont
N Posted by Rain at 6/21/2006 01:51:00 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Art and Madness Painters
Georgia O'Keeffee
Georgia O’Keeffe had two main connections with the Carolinas. The first is the story of what happened during her brief but life-changing tenure as a teacher of design and drawing at Columbia College, a two-year Methodist women’s school in Columbia, South Carolina. The second was her lifelong friendship with
Anita Pollitzer, a native of Charleston and tireless advocate for women’s rights. The two stories are woven together by the fact that O’Keefe’s artistic breakthrough in Columbia is most fully documented in the letters she was writing at the time to Anita (collected and published in 1990 as
Lovingly, Georgia, edited by Clive Gibori) and in the biography of her friend which Pollitzer wrote entitled
A Woman on Paper(1988)
"Nobody sees a flower, really, it is so small. We haven't time - and to see takes time like to have a friend takes time'.
"If I could paint the flower exactly as I see it no one would see what I see because I would paint it small like the flower is small.
"So I said to myself - I'll paint what I see - what the flower is to me but I'll paint it big and they will be surprised into taking time to look at it - I will make even busy New Yorkers take time to see what I see of flowers"
..."Well, I made you take time to look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower - and I don't."
~Georgia O'Keeffe

“...I often painted fragments of things because it seemed to make my statement as well as or better than the whole could...I had to create an equivalent for what I felt about what I was looking at...not copy it."~Georgia O'Keeffe

"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life -- and I've never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do."
“I have things in my head that are not like what anyone has taught me...shapes and ideas so near to me...so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down... " ~Georgia O'Keefe
Roxana Robinson. 2000. O'Keeffe, Georgia. American National Biography Online
Roxana Robinson. 1990. Georgia O'Keeffe: A life. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 0747505578
Barbara Buhler Lynes. 1999. Georgia O'Keeffe: Catalogue Raisonné. London. ISBN 0300087166
Lisa Mintz Messinger. 2001. Georgia O'Keeffe. Thames & Hudson, London. ISBN 0500203407
Have a wonderful day!
N Posted by Rain at 6/20/2006 03:13:00 PM

Monday, June 19, 2006
100 Things about Me.

- My family comes first before anything else.
- I live by my morals, values, and beliefs.
- Each and every day I make the commitment to love and honor my Luva. I feel so safe and loved when you hold me in your arms, baby.
- I have two sons Punky (24) and Rainmain (17).
- My son Punky has a high IQ and is an alcoholic, my youngest has severe learning disabilities.
- I can not imagine my life with out them.
- I am bipolar.
- The hardest decision in my life…making the life long commitment to take medications to receive balance in my life.
- I have diabetes.
- I believe Marijuana should be legalized.
- I believe in the Second Amendment.
- I am an only child.
- Alcoholism runs in my family from both sides.
- I do not drink alcohol in any form.
- I am the last of my bloodline both maternal and paternal.
- I am a college graduate.
- Doing research is one of my favorite pastimes.
- I watch under two hours of television per week.
- If it were possible, I would listen to Comedy Central all the time.
- I am a avid reader.
- I question anything and everything.
- I am an enthusiastic student.
- I take full responsibility for any and all wrong doings in my past and future.
- The mistakes and choices I have made, have been called ‘real doozies’ by family and friends.
- I am not perfect nor do I strive to be.
- When I do something bad, I do a darn good job of it. End of story.
- I learn my lessons, try my best not to repeat them and have paid all of my dues.
- I have forgiven myself and will continue to move forward.
- I have forgiven all others and I will never forget the circumstances surrounding ‘it’.
- I am always striving to become a better person.
- I try to find positives in everyone.
- Trust is never a given, you must earn it from me.
- I am extremely loyal once you have earned my trust.
- Human behavior fascinates me. Is it cultural, environmental or a learned behavior?
- I am not judgmental, I keep ‘gray areas’ in consideration at all times.
- I am not easily fooled, not by a long shot. Don’t even try it.
- I have a deep respect for eccentricity but don’t suffer fools gladly.
- I speak my mind and call it like I see it. I can not sugar coat anything.
- I trust in my instincts and always listen to my inner voice.
- I believe that what goes around comes around. Karma.
- I refuse to express my opinion on matters I know nothing about.
- Some of my best work is accomplished while under pressure.
- I believe my career choice has allowed me to help make the world a little bit better place to live in.
- I uphold the Code of Ethics that is required in my field. Enough said.
- I have been told that I have a wicked and often sarcastic sense of humor.
- My Daddy’s nickname for me is ‘Sissy’ or 'Sis' if he is angry.
- When I was a baby he called me ‘Princess Rain in the pants, Queen of the Pee Pee tribe’.
- I enjoy the simple pleasures in life such as gardening, cooking and swimming.
- There is no room for intolerant, superficial, name droppin, racist, gossipy, whiney, negative, bible thumpin’, politic rantin’, ass kissin’, inconsiderate Asshat’s in my life.
- I live my life drama free, refusing to live in Dysfunction Junction.
- I dislike the sound of my voice.
- In 1968, my life was saved by two Hells Angels. I was unconscious lying on the floor of a car that had been involved in a auto accident.
- In elementary school I was taunted, teased and accused of stuffing my bra. I didn’t, I just developed at an early age.
- My first love was a cute red headed, freckled face boy named Billy B.
- He defended my honor twice, giving both guys bloody noses.
- I did not give him my virginity although looking back I should have.
- I only cuss when I am really angry.
- I pick and choose my battles wisely.
- I do not wear make-up on a daily basis.
- I am always punctual. Being late is just not acceptable to me.
- I volunteer one day a week for Meals On Wheels a program that delivers meals to Aids patients, shut ins and the elderly.
- I have long naturally curly hair and blue eyes.
- I get a manicure and pedicure every two weeks, faithfully.
- I prefer walking around barefoot, I detest shoes.
- I carry a purse only when absolutely necessary.
- I will not wear cheap lingerie. Ever. The same goes for perfume.
- I have control issues that I am presently working on to correct.
- I get physically sick at the sight of cottage cheese.
- I refuse to eat veal.
- I have a weakness for all things chocolate.
- I want to loose weight. Doesn’t everyone?
- I have suffered through three miscarriages.
- I am very comfortable in my own skin and who I have become.
- I live within my means, if I cant afford it, I won’t purchase it until I can.
- I am not high maintenance woman.
- I am terrified of ‘little people’. I have had two bad experiences. Enough said.
- Mary Poppins gives me the creeps,with all that singing and cleaning and flying with an umbrella! pfft. Everyone knows a broom is a much wiser choice =0)
- I love sex.
- I have a great appreciation for the human body.
- The sexiest men and women I have ever seen are in the blogging community.
- I am a sucker for accents.
- I have had some wonderful life experiences while traveling abroad.
- When I travel I always visit local cemeteries, so I can add to my collection of tombstone rubbings.
- I am not afraid of taking risks in life.
- I take the time to smell the roses everyday.
- I learned at an early age that people don’t really want advice, they just want someone to listen to them.
- I love to dance, with or without a partner and with or without music.
- I listen to all kinds of music, from Classical to ROCK N ROLL and everything in between.
- I am nocturnal.
- Fire captivates me and so does the moon.
- I spent an two entire summers studying and researching wolves.
- I love to walk and play in the rain.
- I love water fights! I got into a lot of trouble once when I took a water hose into my mothers house.
- I treasure the past and have some wonderful antiques in my home.
- I have a life long love of the Arts and support them whenever I can.
- I will never live outside of a twenty mile radius from a ocean, lake or river.
- I live in a very unique city, visit the sand dunes in the desert, play in the snow (in the winter) in the mountains and have a barbeque at the beach all in the same day.
- I have been robbed by gun point.
- In my lifetime two people have died in my arms. The first was a stranger who had been shot. He left me with the honor of telling his wife that he loved her. We are still in contact with each other. She is my soul sister.
- The second was my mother. Final sweet release. God I miss her.
This was harder than I thought it would be and I am glad it is done. Yay me! Enjoy.
N Posted by Rain at 6/19/2006 01:00:00 AM

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Fathers Day!
While many people believe that Father's Day is a holiday invented by the fine folks at Hallmark, it's not so. The celebration of Dad's special day can most likely be credited to Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington State, who first suggested the idea of the holiday in 1909.
Mrs. Dodd's father, civil war veteran William Smart, was widowed when his wife died in childbirth with their sixth child. Despite the obvious hardships, Mr. Smart proceeded to raise the newborn along with his five other children, by himself.
It wasn't until Sonora Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The original date chosen for the holiday was June 5, Mr. Smart's birthday, however the celebration was postponed until June 19, the third Sunday in June, because there was not enough time to prepare.
At about the same time in various towns and cities across America other people were beginning to celebrate a Father's Day. Some accounts credit Mrs. Charles Clayton of West Virginia, as the founder of Father's Day, although most histories give credit to Mrs. Dodd.
In early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way of celebrating Father's Day. Mrs. Dodd favored the red rose to honor a father still living, while a white flower honored a deceased dad. J.H. Berringer, who also held Father's Day celebrations in Washington State as early as 1912, chose a white lilac as the Father's Day Flower.
In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day, but it never became official until 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson signed the presidential proclamation that set aside the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.
You always wanted to catch me before I fell down, you taught me how to pick myself up, brush off and encouraged me to try again.
You wanted me to learn from your mistakes, yet you stood by and allowed me to make my own even though it broke your heart many, many times.
You scolded me when I broke the rules and introduced me to tough love.
You taught me how to face my fears, right my wrongs and to stand firm in the face of adversity.
You have been my beacon of light in the darkest of times, always keeping your faith in me and never turning your back on me.
You have given me unconditional love, and for that I want to thank you.Happy Fathers Day!
I would like to wish all the father's out there a Happy Fathers Day!
N Posted by Rain at 6/18/2006 01:17:00 AM