Anonymous posted at 11:49 AM
My week was a pain in the neck... but it's over now, so all is good.
Kittie posted at 3:17 AM
Paa Pee Poo Pae Po..... Bad week but sunny Saturday so let hope for a nice w/e
Captain Boondoggle posted at 8:58 PM
Never heard that song, but it made my weekend. Thanks, I'm now a Scat Man.
tomshideaway posted at 7:02 AM
Had a great week, some awesome (little people)company and a couple days off to boot. Looking forward to the weekend and maybe a cold beer or two!!
I am a strong, sexy, intelligent, candid and loving woman who would do anything for her family. I am a mother of two.I have a sarcastic sense of humor,love to read and I am trying to stay positive in a difficult world.This is the place that I will use to perserve my sanity on the path that is called my life.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity.It can turn a mealinto a feast, a house into a home,a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.~Melody Beattie