Joe and Michelle
Today I am grateful for;
The small amounts of measurable Rain that San Diego County received last week.
The Community Watch Program that is active in my neighborhood. Without it I would no longer have my recyclables. Recycling adds almost eighty dollars month to my emergency savings fund.
I was able to visit and speak with Rusty for the first time in almost four months. Since Rusty’s arrest back in October 2006, he is now drug and alcohol free, has regained the ability to put coherent sentences together and has gained almost ninety pounds. Wahoo!
Our justice system with all of its flaws, it is still the best in the world. Rusty’s criminal case had three continuances last week. After a lengthy discussion with Rusty’s attorney I understand his reasons and agree with them.
Joe’s girlfriend Michelle left San Diego to start College at UC Riverside. Michelle is intelligent, has a good head on her shoulders and has the potential to become a professional writer. I have no doubt that she will be a positive influence in society and we wish her the very best in her future endeavors.
The comfortable silence between the closest of friends.
Coming home... and knowing you're welcome.

Tonight I am going to see Hootie & The Blowfish at Humphreys Concerts by The Bay. I love their music, it is powerful and passionate Rock N Roll with a soulful message. Australian born, San Diego based, singer/songwriter Kai Brown will open for Hootie & The Blowfish. Yay me!
I would like to take this time to thank Bill and James for your emails concerning the post below this one;
Bill~ My heart goes out to you and I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for kind words and encouragement.
James~ You are very naughty ;) It is good to know that I am your favorite pirate girl...oh and "the girls" are very real and natural.
Okay everyone have a great hump day!
Labels: concerts, misc, pirates, Rusty
N Posted by Rain at 10/03/2007 10:28:00 AM

Marie posted at 2:19 PM
Rain, just dropped by to say hello. Sorry I have been MIA!
Unknown posted at 4:43 PM
Hi! This is one hell of a blog! Could we exchange links?
My blog is - Infinitely CRAZY
Please do leave me a comment after linking to me(if you agree to the exchange, of course)
tomshideaway posted at 9:17 PM
Rain is good! We get a bit more out east, I guess that's why we don't have as many wild fires!! Glad you are getting some...Rain that is. Hope all this business with Rusty works out!! Thanks for giving the thumbs up on the Red Sox...We WON!!
posted at 9:08 PM
I also hope everything with Rusty works out. Sounds like from what you described the outlook is encouraging. Thanks for stopping by my place. I stumble across you on Blog Explosion at least once a day, and love your template. It's very artistic. Hope you enjoyed Hootie. I'm sooo envious!
Unknown posted at 9:35 AM
Best wishes to your friends, they will be in my prayers. Have a great time at the concert H&BF are great. I'm sure you will have a great time. They put on one heck of a show.

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